Laboratorium Tanah TN -100

  • Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Tanah Investigasi – Distributor Alat Lab Teknik Sipil – Jual Lab Teknik Sipil – Harga Lab Teknik Sipil – Jika anda ada kebutuhan untuk alat laboratorium teknik sipil bias hubungi kami yang berada di lokasi Jakarta, dapatkan penawaran harga jual alat lab teknik sipil terbaik, alat laboratorium ini untuk mengukur alat alat sipil dari segi akurasi yang akurat.

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The item listed provide the engineering with an economics range of equipment field survey work, using this equipment it is possible to obtain disturbed of undisturbed samples at reasonable depths subject the ground condition most item maybe inter connected.

Specification Laboratorium Tanah TN -100 HAND BOR :

TN -100.1    Drilling Rod   Solid/Hollow bar 1 mtr length, 1¼ ‘’ dia  10 pcs

TN -100.2    Iwan Type Auger   Welded steel two radial baldes  1   pc

TN -100.3    Straight Chopping Auger  Steel pipe, hardened type 1   pc

TN -100.4    T – Piece   Welded Steel   1   pc

TN -100.5    Turning Rod  Machined Steel   1   pc

TN -100.6   Sampling Tube 68 mm dia, 40 cm length 10 pc

TN -100.7    Rod Head  Hardened, machined steel   1   pc

TN -100.8    Allen Key  Hardened steel 1   pc

AB -059/4    Pipe Wrench  24’’ length 1   pc

TN -100.10  Hammer   2 kg weight  1   pc

AB -055/1    Steel wire Brush  Wooden Handle  1   pc


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