Laboratorium Aspal AS -130

  • Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil – Laboratorium Aspal – Distributor Alat Lab Teknik Sipil – Jual Lab Teknik Sipil – Harga Lab Teknik Sipil – Jika anda ada kebutuhan untuk alat laboratorium teknik sipil bias hubungi kami yang berada di lokasi Jakarta, dapatkan penawaran harga jual alat lab teknik sipil terbaik, alat laboratorium ini untuk mengukur alat alat sipil dari segi akurasi yang akurat.

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ASTM D.402. & AASHTO T.78

Distillation methods are used to determine whether the binder has the required volatility or evaporation characteristics. The method will also determine the amount of water in emulsion. Low water content are necessary to prevent foaming of binders when heated above the boiling point of water.

Specification Alat Laboratorium Aspal AS -130 DISTILLATION OF CUTBACK ASPHALTS :

AS -130.1                              Flask  Heat resistance glass 500 ml capacity, with side arm  1 Set

AS -130.2                              Condensor Glass, jacketed  1 Pc

AS -130.3                              Adaptor Heat resistance glass   1 Pc

AS -130.4                              Shield Metal asbestos lined, glass window 1 Pc

AS -130.5                              Shield and Flask Support  Variable height adjustment  1 Pc

AS -130.6                              Support and Clamp Metal provided with clamps 1 Set

AB -013/1                              Bunsen Burner  Heat resources 1 Pc

AB -057/2                              Asbestos Wire Gauze 15 x 15 cm  1 Pc

AB -019/3                              Graduated Cylinder 100 ml capacity 1 Pc

AB -034/6                              Thermometer Range 0 – 4000 C 1 Pc


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  • PT. Mahkota Teknika Berlian Utama,14250
    Pusat alat laboratorium teknik sipil di Jakarta, Laboratorium Aspal, Tanah, Semen, Beton, General dll

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