Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil AS-110

Alat Lab Teknik Sipil Aspal – Distributor Alat Lab Teknik Sipil – Jual Lab Teknik Sipil – Harga Lab Teknik Sipil – Jika anda ada kebutuhan untuk alat laboratorium teknik sipil bias hubungi kami yang berada di lokasi Jakarta, dapatkan penawaran harga jual alat lab teknik sipil terbaik, alat laboratorium ini untuk mengukur alat alat sipil dari segi akurasi yang akurat.


ASTM D.92. D.117. D.803 & AASHTO T.48

Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Aspal AS 110 – The are a number of test methods using different equipment with closed or open cups. The Cleveland flash cup apparatus is used to test cutback bitumen, the apparatus utilizes the open cup test method.

Specification Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil AS 110 :

AS -110.1    Flash Cup                          Brass,  insulation handle                             1 Pc

AS -110.2    Burning Pipe                      Brass pipe, insulation handle                      1 Pc

AS -110.3    Flash Cup Plate                 Steel plate                                                      1 Pc

AS -110.4    Flash Cup Plate Support  Adjustable height metal, thermometer holder     1 Pc

AS -110.5    Y-Connector                      Brass, provided with gas hose

AB -013/1    Bunsen Burner                   Heat resources                                              1 Pc

AB -057/2    Asbestos Wire Gauze        15 x 15 cm                                                      1 Pc

AB -034/6    Thermometer                     Range 0 – 4000 C                                           1 Pc

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    Pusat alat laboratorium teknik sipil di Jakarta, Laboratorium Aspal, Tanah, Semen, Beton, General dll

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    Contact 1.   +62 811.8058.111 (Hartono Ramli)